Home and Family Dentist

Mobile Dentist

0478 128 920

Aged Care Dentistry

Residents of Aged Care Dentistry are often on multiple medications which can lead to dental decay and disease progressing at a faster rate. Oral hygiene for residents of aged care facilities is at best challenging. Having routine dental checkups and cleaning can prevent decay and avoid more invasive treatment which is always preferable. Prices are at a similar level to conventional dental practices.

Aged Care Facilities provide a wide range of on site services however arranging for dental care is always a challenge.

Staff of the facility or relatives usually spend valuable time transporting the resident to and from the dentist.

Providing treatment on site using portable, modular Dental equipment avoids both transport difficulties and loss of travelling time.

Residents with limited mobility are now able to receive the benefit of bedside dental treatment.

Maintaining dental health by routine dental visits and preventative treatment assists the overall health of the resident.

Denture labelling assists nursing staff by providing immediate denture recognition of residents' dentures.